Friday, April 25, 2008

Finding God

Finding God

It's all about seeking and finding God. If you are willing to look then you will find God. We believe we can help in your search. Read the articles below, meditate on the content and be open-minded. Finding God is not hard. Remember - you are not alone.


How do you go about finding God? Start by recognizing that it is natural for all of us to wonder what the meaning of our life is. Haven't you wondered why you are here? What's it all about…the Big Picture?

Did it all just happen?

Where exactly can you find God? This is a great question and one you may have asked. Is God in a church? Or is He on the mountaintop? Somewhere up in the heavenly domain?

If you accept that God is omnipresent then by that definition God is everywhere. If you are seeking in earnest you will certainly be finding Him. That is because God responds to all who seek Him.


Why should I be concerned with finding God? Consider the old joke: "I have three favorite people: me, myself and I!"

Not everyone is an egomaniac, but we all suffer from self-centeredness. Whether we recognize it or not, we often behave as if we are the center of our own universe. We try to run the show and act on self-propulsion

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